If you would like to schedule a consultation with us to go over your options, it comes without obligation
to do business with us now or in the future. If this is your first appointment, we have put together lists
below that you may reference regarding what to bring to your appointment.


We are happy to offer no-cost consultations so we can go over your specific needs and see if we'd be a good fit.






Current Prescriptions

Frequented Doctors

Medicare Card

Current Coverage Info

We will use your prescriptions to help narrow down your plan options and to point us in the right direction. The bottles or a list that includes the dosage and frequency will be helpful.

Some plans have networks, and checking to see if they accept a plan you’re considering is important in determining the right fit.

If you’ve misplaced your card we will still need your Medicare ID as well as your Part A and Part B effective dates.

If you have the option to stay on an employer coverage, it will help to know its benefits to determine if you should go onto Medicare now or stay on the employer coverage.






Financial Goals:

Current Statements:

Most of the time, our first meeting will be a conversation and a cup of coffee (or tea, water, or whatever you prefer). It is an opportunity to get to know one another. If there are time sensitive or pressing needs, sometimes additional items are recommended.

Giving consideration to your personal or professional financial goals can help point us to a recommendation in your best interest, whether it be looking to have an actively managed IRA, pay off your home, save for your children’s college, increase your charitable giving, offer your small business employees retirement options, or a variety of other aspirations – we can help.

If you would like a current statement or policy reviewed, feel free to bring a copy along, regardless of who is currently managing it. When retirement planning, we can only take into consideration the information we are provided. It is helpful to keep that information in mind.

Retirement Planning